With franchises releasing new games annually now, do we still get that same excitement we used to for new games? Don't get me wrong, I love Assassins Creed, FIFA, COD and Battlefield (I like both! Get on that fan boys) but knowing a new instalment is coming once a year kills my buzz for them a bit.
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World record for the longest cuddle |
I remember having to scan through official magazines (before YouTube kids) for the next big thing. I camped out on 15th November 2000 after school for three hours waiting for my friends dad so we could buy WWF No Mercy. Donkey Kong 64 was also huge for us too, maybe just for the opening rap scene!. We would plan out months in advance exactly how we would play the game and read articles about them over and over again.
I think with the Internet being so big now, you can feel like you have played half the game before you actually own it because of the hours of game play at our disposal, we could even go as far as saying we don't actually have to play the game because websites can tell us an entire plot line the day of release. Gone are the days we went to school excited about sharing what happened last night in our own little world.
Online multiplayer also plays a massive part too. There is a massive market for them now that getting online is so easy, just look at the success of first person shooters and MMORPG's. It is so much easier to turn on your console/PC and and jump straight into the action rather than sit through the cinematic scenes of a single player campaign (Looking at you here Metal Gear Solid).
I know companies must spend hundreds of thousands on advertising now, creating snap shots to tease us about their upcoming IP but even that can spoil it (The Point explains this brilliantly). Do we want to know too much now before we buy? Maybe the mystery that used to surround a game gave me that buzz feeling I am now missing.
What games are you looking forward to? What memories do you have of buying games?
Feel free to comment below.
Joe Copson - Google+